When I first left Pittsburgh to move to Alaska, I had no intention of returning to my hometown to continue my writing career. But as our readers know, Pittsburgh roots are strong. I started serving as the executive editor of North Hills Monthly magazine (NHMM) under the leadership of its founder and publisher, Marnie Lutz, in 2008, and 15 years later, I’m ready to move on to new things. But I want to take a moment to thank all of the individuals, organizations, businesses, nonprofits, and community members who have made this job so rewarding.
While I have always loved covering the North Hills community, it is the feedback from our readers that has meant the most to me. From the grandfather who was thrilled to read our article about special-needs camps so that he could sign his grandson up for a fun-filled summer, to an artist who found new creative opportunities as a result of an event that we posted on our website, to entire classes of students who got to share their achievements online, being able to highlight what makes the North Hills so special has truly been a gift.
Through the magazine, I have had the opportunity to meet brilliant physicians, scientists, authors, musicians, business leaders and more…and I have been able to watch as the once-rural place I call home has grown into a thriving community that welcomes people from all walks of life.
Though I will miss being the editor of the magazine, I will still be writing the travel column and occasional stories while expanding my writing repertoire to include communities around the world. I leave knowing that the magazine is in good hands with an incredible, dedicated staff and loyal, talented writers that love the North Hills and NHMM as much as I do.
While I am ready to move on, I truly appreciate the opportunity that I was given to play a part in the magazine’s legacy and the community’s growth. Know that I’ll keep reading to see what happens next. n